Medical Malpractice and Prenatal Injuries

Medical Malpractice and Prenatal Injuries

Obstetricians and gynecologists have some of the highest medical malpractice insurance premiums of all medical professionals. This is because many malpractice claims stem from birth defects after labor or a pregnancy loss that could have been prevented with medical intervention. It is also because obstetricians have two patients, the mother and the unborn child. Issues during pregnancy can be extremely personal, difficult to manage, and all-encompassing. The loss of a child or a mother is traumatizing. Patients trust their doctors to make the right decisions for their health and the health of their baby. Often patients are quick to accept the doctor’s medical opinion because they assume the doctor knows best. Unfortunately this is not always the case, and can result in severe disability or even death. If you are or your child is the victim of an obstetrician’s negligence, you are entitled to justice and should seek legal guidance from our attorneys at Rocky Mountain Personal Injury Center.

Prenatal and Postpartum Claims

Caring for your child begins at conception, or at least when you discover you are pregnant. For many couples trying for a child, confirming the pregnancy and even the first prenatal visit are joyous occasions. Unfortunately, many women experience pregnancy complications throughout the three trimesters or needlessly suffer at the hands of a negligent medical provider. Disorders range from PUPP, a severe skin rash, to preeclampsia, a life-threatening disorder that dangerously lowers blood pressure and has the potential to cause kidney and liver failure. Pregnant women are supposed to be adequately monitored throughout their pregnancy and more often if they are deemed high risk or AMA (advanced maternal age). If high or low blood pressure, severe symptoms or the fetal heart rate and growth progress is not properly monitored, the woman can become seriously ill or the pregnancy may no longer be viable.

Miscarriage is an extremely painful, emotionally devastating ordeal. It is even more painful when the family learns it may have been prevented with proper monitoring, check-ups, and adequate medical care. During the pandemic, many expecting mothers are unable to bring their spouse, parent, or patient-advocate with them to the hospital, even if they have a documented disability or English is not their first language. In addition, many prenatal visits are cancelled due to a positive COVID test or suspected positive, presumably out of an abundance of caution. While no one wants to contract COVID, it is especially important for pregnant women to have access to the healthcare they and their unborn babies desperately need.

Even the birthing process has been turned upside down. Thousands of birth injuries occur every year, ranging from cerebral palsy to facial nerve injury and even bleeding on the brain. Many of these injuries are preventable, but most are permanent disabilities that you and your child must then contend with forever. As a parent, you deserve answers for why things went wrong and you are also entitled to damages for your pain and suffering.

 Call our Rocky Mountain Personal Injury Center Lawyers Today

Our lawyers work exclusively for plaintiffs, fighting for justice and for their due compensation. Our office understands how sensitive these painful issues can be to discuss. You are owed an explanation and damages for the suffering you and your family incurred. A doctor made a mistake, a costly one that forever changed the trajectory of your life. You deserve closure and the chance to recoup some of your losses. If you or your child have suffered irreparable harm due to a doctor’s negligence, contact our litigation attorneys at Rocky Mountain Personal Injury Center today.


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