Most Americans have pets, and many own dogs. In fact, the American Medical Veterinary Association states that there are over 70 million pet dogs in the United States alone. That is an enormous pet population, and while most dogs are cute and loving, some pets can be vicious and potentially dangerous. Dog bite injuries can include painful lacerations, bruising, infection, the necessity to obtain painful rabies vaccinations and additional treatment. Some dogs have tragically killed other pets and even children. If you were recently bitten by a pet dog, call the Rocky Mountain Personal Injury Center to learn more about filing a claim.
A Pet Owner’s Responsibility
Pet owners have a responsibility to care for their pets, keep up with their shots and vaccinations, and keep pets leashed where required. If an owner knows her dog is not friendly, she is obligated to avoid public dog parks and playgrounds if at all possible. An owner who lets his dog off leash, resulting in a dog fight or dog bite to a child or adult, is legally responsible for injuries sustained by the victim. UCA §18-2-101 (2019). An owner who fails to leash, care for or register his pet for shots is subject to fines and penalties. Unfortunately, some owners let their pets off-leash to run around neighborhoods and in the streets. If not neutered or spayed, the dog could possibly impregnate another dog, spread disease, parasites, or worse, bite or severely injure a person.
If you are attacked in public, look for identifying marks on the dog. Do not approach it. Call 911 or local animal control immediately. Seek emergency medical treatment for cuts, bites, and open flesh wounds. If you see the dog’s owner in the vicinity, you can try to get their personal information. If the owner is combative or flees the scene, try to get identifying information including vehicle tags, then call the police and file a criminal report. Do not follow them yourself. Then, call an attorney to seek damages for your injuries and emotional distress. Our attorneys work tirelessly to protect our clients and seek compensation when clients are harmed, including as a result of dog attacks.
Potential Repercussions and Damages
Dog owners are strictly liable for any harm their pet dog causes, and that includes damages to the plaintiff. However, they may also be guilty of a criminal offense, potentially owing fines. In Utah, the owner of a dog that causes bodily injury to another dog or human may pursue arbitration with the plaintiff to settle, but litigation is still the most common choice. In some cases, depending on the location of the attack, the owner’s home insurance may pay a claim to the plaintiff as a result of injuries sustained. Plaintiffs can file a claim for medical bills and damages, emotional distress, lost wages, future lost wages, and pain and suffering, but they must prove that their actions were not a proximate cause of the accident. This is because Utah operates under a comparative negligence statute.
Call Rocky Mountain Personal Injury Center
If you or a loved one were bitten by a dog, whether in public or on private property, call Rocky Mountain Personal Injury Center today for a free consultation. We will work to ensure you are justly compensated and receive the treatment you need to recover from your traumatic injuries. The law does not penalize dogs, only irresponsible pet owners. Call us today to review your claim options.